Artificial Intelligence Aided D-band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution

Addressing planning and optimization challenges in Telecom industry through AI and ML

Live Expo Room

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Here you find a list of resources to learn more about project ARIADNE.

  • Project Overview
    • Download the overview presentation: here

  • Overview of Use Case 1
    • Download the use case 1 presentation: here

  • Overview of Use Case 2
    • Download the use case 2 presentation: here

  • Overview of Use Case 3
    • Download the use case 3 presentation: here

  • Project Flyer
    • Download the project flyer: here

Project Website

Project Agenda for IDS Expo

For the IDS Expo, the agenda of this project is to introduce the audience to the main theme of the project. This includes an overview of the project, how AI and ML are expected to solve some challenging problems being faced by the telecommunications industry, and a short overview of use cases using atleast one motivating example.

Short Description of Project

In the following, we provide a short description to project ARIADNE.


ARIADNE stands for “Artificial Intelligence Aided D-band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution”. It is a European Union (H2020) sponsored 5G-PPP project, whose goal is to realize an intelligent wireless communications system beyond 5G, by bringing together a high frequency advanced radio architecture, whose network processing and management functions are aided by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning approaches.


Global rise in demand has saturated and exacerbated the limitations of current 4G networks. Therefore, 5G and Beyond (B5G) networks are being designed to deliver the performance levels expected by the next generation of applications from domains such as IoT, Industry 4.0, tele-robotics, driverless or autonomous vehicles, data streaming, cloud computing, edge computing and arguably any ICT market segment. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning would play a central role in efficient and smart management of 5G and B5G networks, and hence form the central ideas of project ARIADNE.


To realize 5G and B5G networks, a variety of issues related to network technologies, communication paradigm beyond Shannon, and viability of intelligent solutions for autonomous and semi-autonomous management still need to be thoroughly investigated. Therefore, ARIADNE has set forth a holistic set of goals ranging from developing prototypes for novel hardware and software. Regarding the latter, the project is investigating Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques in various B5G deployment scenarios, with the objective to efficiently manage high frequency communication, dynamically assign and reconfigure network resources as required to ensure continuous reliable high-bandwidth connections.

Some recent publications in addition to the presentations for IDS Expo (listed on the IDS Expo page for project ARIADNE) are listed below.